Skipper Science Organizers
Collaboration and Innovation
Skipper Science involves many public, private, and tribal organizations that support and help organize this partnership. The program launched in 2021 and the founding organizations included SalmonState, the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island's Tribal Government (ACSPI), the Aleutian Bering Sea Initiative, and the Alaska Ocean Observing System.
Skipper Science Coordinator
Hannah-Marie Garcia
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island
Tribal Government
Ecosystem Conservation Office (ECO)
Skipper Science Technical Director
Bruce Robson
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island
Tribal Government
Ecosystem Conservation Office (ECO)
ECO Director
Lauren Divine
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island
Tribal Government
Ecosystem Conservation Office (ECO)
Community Organizer for Skipper Science
Heather Bauscher
Sitka Conservation Society
Lead Consultant for Skipper Science
Lindsey Bloom
Skipper Science ABSI Support
Aaron Poe
Network Program Officer
Northern Latitudes Partnerships
at the Alaska Conservation Foundation
Skipper Science ABSI Support
Darcy Peter
Aleutian Bering Sea Initiative (ABSI) Coordinator for the
Northern Latitudes Partnerships
at the Alaska Conservation Foundation
In addition to the core organizations helping the program grow, there are a number of other organizations that either support, participate in targeted research efforts, or endorse the program. All collaborating organizations are captured in the image below.